Introduction: Successfully managing pressure ulcers requires appropriate compliance for the pressure ulcer protocol. Therefore, identifying the organisational factors that promote compliance for pressure ulcer care will facilitate higher quality of care in hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Aim: To revise the organisational features that influence pressure ulcer development in Saudi hospitals. Methods: To review the available evidence available through the Ovid MEDLINE and Clinical Key databases. The review aimed to include all relevant studies that present a relationship between organisational features and changes in compliance with pressure ulcer management protocols. Results: The literature categorised the key organisational features that had an impact on compliance with pressure ulcer management in hospitals as being: the size of the hospital, scope of service (i.e. is the hospital a general, specialised, referral or community facility), staffing qualifications, leadership style, quality improvement projects and the utilisation of advanced technological tools. Conclusion: Pressure ulcer management is an organisational effort. Understanding the organisational context will facilitate higher compliance performance. This review intends to formulate a new insight for hospital leaders to enhance pressure ulcer care in hospitals in Saudi Arabia.